Build cloud fluency across your enterprise to accelerate and scale your modernization
Magic Beans Training Academy can help your enterprise achieve business goals by building cloud fluency across your global organization. Magic Beans offers the resources you need to create a culture of innovation, develop adaptable and continuous learning mechanisms, and transform and modernize your enterprise.
With the right cloud skills, your enterprise can deploy cloud products faster, boost business performance, and increase staff productivity. Be ready for global cloud transformation and your organization’s continuous learning needs.
Magic Beans offers training courses that help you get started with learning the Cloud, or further develop your knowledge for advanced users, so that you can build and deliver cloud based solutions.
Training Benefits
Speed of Development

Magic Beans Training Academy is based on a step-by-step knowledge consolidation approach, based on our experience. Students will be exposed to more complex real-life situations, adjusted to the learning plan, complemented with practical exercises to consolidate theoretical learning.
It was created and implemented, following the best market practices, using qualified technicians in various areas. Depending on the needs of each client, regardless of their size, it is possible to provide personalised, scalable and comprehensive solutions, in order to support and contribute to the development of increasingly capable, efficient and profitable HR that lead to a competitive advantage for companies.
Currently, we have 2 available courses:
Ready to get started?
To learn more about Magic Beans Training Academy, contact us at

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